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How We're Necessary For The Political Revolution

Adults like to call us "lazy". The right calls us foolish with absurd ideals like covering everyone for healthcare, saying that we don't have the money. There are numerous articles saying we're killing this industry and that food chain and CEOs such as Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein are pandering to us left and right to keep their grip on America as newer generations get older. Why so much focus on us?

They realize how important we are. And it's time we realize too.

As Republicans pander to the older more traditional citizens of our country, the Democrats try to appeal to the younger citizens who end up being more to the left on the political spectrum than their parents. But instead of using policy that would significantly help them, such as lessening the price of colleges or getting rid of tuition for public colleges altogether so that we don't get burdened with debt the moment we get our degree, they think the way to win us over is to keep up with the trends and using emojis. Instead of solving the issues that we grew up in, such as seeing our parents having financial problems during the 2008 Great Recession, they want to pander to the entertainment side of us. But the thing is, we don't see politics and entertainment as the same thing.

In the 21 states that the Democratic and Republican Primaries and Caucuses had been held by June 1st for the 2016 Presidential Race, Bernie Sanders got approximately 2,052,081 votes from the youth (those under 30). In the same age group, Hillary Clinton got about 766,425 votes and Donald Trump got about 828,675 votes. Even these numbers combined doesn't come close to the numbers Sanders got, with a combined number of 1,595,100 votes, 456,981 votes shy of the Sanders youth vote.

Sanders had a message that energized the youth and still energizes us that was to help not only us but the vast majority of America. Trump adopted some of this language by being against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and talking about infrastructure and talking about corruption on the campaign trail (he has done a full flop on this position since assuming office). Hillary Clinton and the Democrats had a message that consisted of the status quo and MAYBE a little bit of change, such tweaks on Obamacare and keeping the same environmental regulations in place. But the status quo isn't working for the American people, and that's what the Democrats need to realize. And by snubbing progressives like Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard, they're setting themselves up for losses across the board in 2018 and 2020.

But it's time that we stop waiting for politicians like Bernie Sanders to come along, and step up ourselves. Politicians like him in America are very rare, and waiting for people like him to come along will make all those stereotypes of the youth correct, that we are lazy and want things to come to us instead of working for it. Previous generations did that, and look where it got us, in wave elections every few years, with the people It's time for a grassroots revolution that goes from school boards all the way up to the executive branch.

If you're of age and interested, get in contact with groups like Justice Democrats or Our Voices and run for office. Even if you don't win, you'll be contributing to the revolution through progressive rhetoric and may set yourself up for a future run. Run for anything. Your local school board, positions in your county, city council, and if you feel you have enough name recognition, state government and beyond. We need to control as many aspects of government, not just Congress or the Executive branch. Bernie Sanders knew this, that's why he called for a revolution, not just for him to be elected.

If you're not of age, you can still do things, even if you can't vote. Join a group for progressives in your school or in your community, if your community doesn't have one, make one, call your elected officials, join with youth groups for candidates in your area, or contact us, we need help too! There's so much that you can do that you can make a bigger mark than those who just vote.

A revolution must come from all aspects of a community, including the youth. That's what we're committed to doing.

If you'd like to help us out, e-mail us:

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